Ethereum: Is it possible to add transaction input to a transaction mempool?

Adding a Transaction Record to the Mempool: An Overview of Ethereum Transaction Processing

Ethereum’s transition from proof-of-work (PoW) consensus to proof-of-stake (PoS) has introduced new complexities to transaction processing. One of the key challenges is adding a transaction record, or “record,” to an ongoing transaction that is currently in the mempool (memory pool). In this article, we will explore the possibilities and limitations of adding a transaction record to the mempool.

What is a Mempool?

A mempool is a data structure that stores incoming transactions before they are added to the blockchain. It is a critical component of Ethereum’s consensus algorithm, allowing transactions to be processed quickly and efficiently. When a new transaction is submitted to the mempool, it can take several minutes or even hours for the network to verify it.

Adding a Record to a Mempool Transaction

In theory, it should be possible to add a transaction record to the mempool. However, there are several issues that make this impractical:

  • Transaction size and complexity: Ongoing transactions may contain complex data structures, such as smart contract calls or function calls. Adding a record would require significant changes to the base code, and in most cases, this may not be possible.
  • Memory limitations: The mempool is a finite resource, and adding too many records can cause memory issues or slow transaction processing times.
  • Network latency: Even if it were possible to add multiple records to the mempool at the same time, there is still a significant delay between submitting a new transaction and having it verified on the blockchain.

Why can’t we just add a record to the mempool?

One could argue that adding a record to the mempool is as simple as inserting it into a data structure. However, this approach has some limitations:

  • Input Validation

    Ethereum: Is it possible to add a transaction input to a transaction in the mempool?

    : Adding transaction input will require additional validation checks to ensure that the data conforms to the expected format and semantics.

  • Input Order: Ensuring that input is processed in the correct order relative to other pending transactions can be a challenge.
  • Transaction Locations: If multiple records are added, it may not be possible or desirable to group them together before processing.

Workarounds and Alternatives

While adding a transaction record to the mempool may not be possible, there are alternative solutions:

  • Batching: Instead of adding individual records, consider grouping them together with other pending transactions. This approach can improve performance and reduce memory usage.
  • Input Prioritization: Implement a mechanism to prioritize incoming input data based on its complexity or relevance to ongoing transactions.
  • Record Caching: Cache frequently used records locally, reducing the need to store them in memory.


Adding a transaction record to the mempool is not as simple as it seems. The complexities and limitations described above highlight the importance of carefully considering new features or solutions. While workarounds and alternatives may be available, it is important to prioritize performance, security, and scalability in all future development efforts.

Raw Hex Data Example

For the sake of illustration, let’s assume we want to retrieve raw hex data for a transaction that is currently in memory. We can use the following code snippet (solidity):

“` solidity

pragma solidity ^0,8,0;

contract MemoPool {


function getTransactionInput() public return (byte memory) {

// Simulate fetching a record from memory

memory input bytes = both.

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